Eco Elegies - Ritual of Re:Mix

Tour & Intercultural Residency

México 2024

Photo of collaboration with Pardo Heli performed at FORO LARVA, Guadalajara by Jaime Martin

2024 Tour Locations & Partners

  • In partnership with Pardo Heli at the

    Centro para la Cultura y las Artes de la Ribera

    Ajijic, Lands of the Wixárika

    March 10th, 2024


     Eco Elegies: Ritual of Re-Mix


    Special Collaborative piece with Pardo Heli

  • In partnership with Pardo Heli at the


    Guadalajara, Lands of the Wixárika and the Nahua

    March 12th, 2024


     Eco Elegies: Ritual of Re-Mix


    Special Collaborative piece with Pardo Heli

  • In partnership with

    Centro Cultural Los Talleres AC 

    Ciudad de México, Tenochtitlan

    March 15th, 2024


    Eco Elegies: Ritual of Re-Mix


  • In partnership with


    at Teatro Juárez

    Oaxaca, Lands of the Zapotec, Mixtec, Mazatec, Chinanteco

    March 23rd, 2024


    Eco Elegies: Ritual of Re-Mix

    alongside showcase from students or IESEAO

Pictured above: Oaxaca, IESEAO student collaborators who performed in Eco Elegies

photo cred: Jaime Martin

Pictured above: Pardo Heli Dance Company, Dancing Earth casts of Eco Elegies & Unbound, members of Jóvenes Indígenas Urbanos

We extend our immense gratitude to our Mexican collaborators and hosts for their gracious welcome and creative collaboration!

Meet the Artists

Eco Elegies: Ritual of Re-Mix


  • Ometéotl by Mazatl Galindo

    Owakada by Pura Fé

    Kahara by Pura Fé

    Shiny Gold Poisoned Land

    Glitch Night Chant by Randy Boogie

    Diamond Path by Barret Martin

    Tribal Segway

    Ameyali by QVLN

  • Wearable Collage Pieces made of re-used materials - Alicia Piller

    Anastazia Louise

  • Special Thank You to all the guest artists who accompanied Eco Elegies in our Mexico Tour!

    Maestra Laura Vera de Oaxaca (dancer), Gailor Andres Sanchez de Colombia (musician, dancer) for accompanying us throughout the entire tour!

    Guest DE artist resident Andreina Maldonado, dancer, vocalist, and translator for Ajijic, Guadalajara, and Mexico City

    Guest DE artist resident Natalie Contreras, dancer, cultural ambassador, translator for entire tour.

    Gregorio Trejo for lighting design in Mexico City and Oaxaca

    Special Oaxaca show credits:

    The students of IESEAO

    Música en vivo e instrumentación: Artista invitado de honor Gailor Sanchez Andres (Hatun Runa) de Colombia, vocalization en vivo con Juan Carlos Rodriguez Lazcano Y canción original de Daniel Sanchez de Oaxaca

    Artistas invitados Salvador Reyes, Oscar Silva, y Bernardo Ruiz

    Y por supuesto estamos agradecidos con el increíble apoyo como artista invitado de Gregorio Trejo, Coreógrafo de secuencia de apertura en Poesia de Ser; Migraciones y diseño de iluminacion.

  • Artistic Director, Choreographer: Rulan Tangen

    Company Dancers: Tara Bucknor, Emma Quan Dewey, Taraneh Sarrafzadeh, Ronice Stratton

    Producer: Taraneh Sarrafzadeh

photos credit of Jaime Martin, featuring performances by Pardo Heli & Dancing Earth collab, Eco Elegies, and Unbound

Support Eco Elegies

With Your Support

Dancing Earth’s Eco Elegies project is not possible without the support of our community. Help us develop this new work, support the artists we work with, and continue to activate our communities in the spirit of our mission, to create contemporary dance and related arts through global-Indigenous and intercultural relationships centered in ecological and cultural diversity for creativity, health, and wellness.

Thank you Funders

About Dancing Earth

Dancing Earth Creations dynamically activates our mission, to create contemporary dance and related arts through global indigenous and intercultural relationships centered in ecological and cultural diversity for creativity, health, and wellness.

Founded by Artistic Director Rulan Tangen, to serve a need rarely met in the USA, DEC gives hope and opportunity to Native, mixed, global Indigenous and BIPOC talent who have been largely outside the dialogue of mainstream performance because of lack of access. DEC is an organic constellation of largely self-taught dancers, composers, costumers, filmmakers, and spoken word artists.

Together, DEC artists work with community members, culture carriers, and inter-cultural elders to explore the rich diversity of ancestral heritage, contemporary identity, and relationship building, by collaborating on innovative ecologically themed performances. DEC's work promotes environmental awareness, cultural diversity, and understanding between peoples through contemporary arts expressions.

“We gather as individual artists to create experimental yet elemental dances that reflect our rich cultural heritage as contemporary global peoples. We strive to embody the unique essences of cultural perspectives by creation and renewal of artistic and cultural movement rituals. Ancient and futuristic, our dances are an elemental language of bone and blood memory in motion.” - Founding Director, Rulan Tangen