Lectures, Master Classes & Workshops
Founding & Artistic Director, Rulan Tangen has given keynote speeches, lectures and master classes to educational and cultural institutions and events in the US, New Zealand, Canada, Brasil, Argentina, Mexico, Norway, Guahan.
Performative Lectures
Dancing the Future into Being, from resourceful resilience to beyond imaginable potentiality.
Historical influences on the evolution of Dancing Earth’s evolution of performative ritual for transformation.
“When our teachers are no longer human” - land dance . Multi sensory ad multi dimensional awareness meets memory and imagination, Bio-mimicry , empathy, and diversity in harmony.
ANOKA - between two places , the liminal space, the threshold, the waterways of connection - about mixed culture , cultural exchange, migration, trade networks as the incubus of culture .
Master Classes
Thematic master class workshops for adults include many practices that have been described by participants as instrumental to decolonizing, re-indigenizing, and cultivating alliances: The Re-Story-ing - identity, place and reciprocity for cultural protocols ; Reciprocity : Embodying Cultural Exchange; Movement for Movement Building (individual and collective embodiment practice for social change), Land Dance ( deep listening and empathy to reconnect with self in connection with beyond human world as eco-system), Sound and Motion - for becoming micro-cosm of functional interactive diversity; Waters of Wellness Multi sensory Somatic Renewal ( ideal for leaders, activists); Seeds of our ancestors - Indigenous food and fitness; Collective Futurities : Dreaming and Doing.