Presented by DANCING EARTH with special thanks to Tala Mai Moana as Cultural Visioning Partner,
and co-presented by Dance Mission Theater and the Department of Theater & Dance at Cal State, East Bay.
The Source
September 7-10, 2023
At Cal State East Bay (Sept 7 & 10) and Dance Mission Theater (Sept 8 & 9)
Tickets: $0-25* per day
An immersive community experience of
Rituals, Performances, Workshops, Cultural Shares, and Ancestral Connectivity through multiple exchanges.
As You Are”
Thurs, Sept. 7th
@ Cal State East Bay
As You Are”
Fri, Sept. 8th
@ Dance Mission Theater
As You Are”
Sat, Sept. 9th
@ Dance Mission Theater
As You Are”
Sun, Sept. 10th
@ Cal State East Bay
The Source: A gathering of intercultural experiences and expressions, encompassing creativity, wellness, self-love, and compassion–conjured by and for our diverse communities. Co-Presented by Dance Mission Theater and California State University, East Bay, this exchange unfolds over four days, radiating cultural and spiritual warmth while embodying principles of Reciprocity, Relationship, Imagination, and Dreaming.
Facilitated by Creative Leaders of Dancing Earth, this journey aims to collectively restore, nourish, and celebrate community: Inviting all to “Come As You Are,” “Create As You Are,” “Experience As You Are,” and finally “Reflect As You Are,” with an immersive community experience of ritual, performance, workshops, cultural shares, and ancestral connectivity through multiple exchanges.
Co-curated by Cultural Visioning Partner, Tala Mai Moana (TMM - the stories from the oceans of the South Pacific), this gathering interweaves DE's 19+ years in the community with fresh cultural perspectives from a host of innovative creators. This gathering celebrates Intergenerational Cultural Creative Leaders, while cultivating space that invites all to participate in honoring the stories from our past, to help guide in creating new pathways of RE-Sourcing into the future.
Tickets: $0-25* per day
The Source is presented by DANCING EARTH with special thanks to Tala Mai Moana as Cultural Visioning Partner, and co-presented by Dance Mission Theater and the Department of Theater & Dance at Cal State, East Bay.
*Equal opportunities for all, regardless of financial status.

“Come As You Are”
Thursday, September 7th
5-9:30pm PT
@ Cal State East Bay
25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard | Hayward, CA 94542
(510) 885-3000
Tickets: $0-25* per day
*Equal opportunities for all, regardless of financial status.
5:00-5:30pm Land Acknowledgment with Corrina Gould
5:30-5:45pm Opening Prayers from Eric Kupers, Professor of Dance and Inclusive Performance at CSUEB
5:45-6:15pm Welcoming of Source and Discussion of Source Altar with Soundscape Creator
6:15-7:30pm Recreating EARTH
Earth Altar Making: A Sacred Act of Love Workshop with Veronica Ramirez
Mural Workshop with Nikila B. aka MamaWisdom1
7:40-8:30pm Lei Making & History with Elaine Talamaivao
8:30-9:30pm Body Healing Hour
Embodied Magic Sarah Hogland-Gurulé

“Create As You Are”
Friday, September 8th
5:30-9:30pm PT
@ Dance Mission Theater
3316 24th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 826-4441
Tickets: $0-25* per day
5:30-5:55pm Blessing and Welcoming of Space with Gregg Castro
5:55-6:00pm Source Welcoming with Elaine Talamaivao, Gabriel Carrion-Gonzales, Stella Adelman
6:00-6:40pm Language and Cultural Revitalization in Song and Storytelling with Kanyon Coyote Woman Sayers-Roods & Esme Olivia
6:45-7:15pm Tala Mai Moana presents “Le ie Sina”
7:20-7:30pm Yaku - Daughter of the Lake with Vannia Ibarguen
7:30-8:00pm Dancing Earth presents: Eco Elegies Ritual of Re:Mix
8:00-8:20pm SNJV presents: The Definition of Drag
8:20-8:30pm BREAK
8:30-9:30pm Source Day 2 Closing Dance Party with IИTI Música
*Equal opportunities for all, regardless of financial status.

“Experience As You Are”
Saturday, September 9th
6:30-9:30pm PT
@ Dance Mission Theater
3316 24th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 826-4441
Tickets: $0-25* per day
6:30-6:35pm Source Welcoming with Gabriel Carrion-Gonzales, Elaine Talamaivao
6:35pm-7:00pm Language and Cultural Revitalization in Song and Storytelling with Kanyon Coyote Woman Sayers-Roods & Esme Olivia
7:00-7:30pm Dancing Earth presents: UNBOUND - an excerpt and offering
7:30-7:55pm Love Deeply: The Divine Sip and Color Sacred Wellness Workshop with Christine Joy Ferrer a.k.a tinejoy
7:55-8:05pm Breath as Love: Igniting Self-Love in a Non-Judgemental Space with Gabriel Carrion-Gonzales
8:15-9:30pm Source Day 3 Closing Dance Party with Audiopharmacy
*Equal opportunities for all, regardless of financial status.

“Reflect As You Are”
Sunday, September 10th
4-8:30pm PT
@ Cal State East Bay
25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard | Hayward, CA 94542
(510) 885-3000
Tickets: $0-25* per day
4:00-4:30pm Community Nourishment and Source Welcoming with Elaine Talamaivao, Gabriel Carrion-Gonzales
4:30-4:50pm Self-Love Letters & Community Circle of Offerings with Elaine Talamaivao
4:50-5:00pm Silent Meditative Walk
5:00-5:45pm An Experience of Mixed-icism in Motion with Rulan Tangen, Founding Artistic Director and Choreographer of DANCING EARTH
6:00-7:30pm Agua es Vida
Embodying Water for Wellbeing Vannia Ibarguen
Guided Movement & Meditation centering Self-Compassion with Taraneh Sarrafzadeh
7:30-8:30 Source Closing with Special Guests
*Equal opportunities for all, regardless of financial status.
This activity is supported in part by the California Arts Council, a state agency. Learn more at www.arts.ca.gov.
“UNBOUND” was made possible with funding by the New England Foundation for the Arts' National Theater Project, with lead funding from the Mellon Foundation and additional support from the Doris Duke Foundation.
Dancing Earth is sponsored in part by a grant from Grants for the Arts.
“Eco Elegies” is funded in part by Kenneth Rainin Foundation. Kenneth Rainin Foundation is a private family foundation dedicated to enhancing quality of life by championing and sustaining the arts, promoting early childhood literacy and supporting research to cure chronic disease. Collaboration and innovation are at the heart of all its programs. Its vision is guided by the belief that change is possible through inquiry, creativity and compassion.