Eco Elegies Bay Area Cast
Photo by Kyle Adler, courtesy of Dance Mission's D.I.R.T. Festival
Meet Emma Quan Dewey
“Emma is grateful to have been woven into the Dancing Earth web since the 2020 Summer Institute, where embodying mixed-icism has been a continuous teacher for inhabiting their humanity fully amidst mixed lineages. Emma is excited to deeply entangle with our shared grief, our shared hope, and our shared in-between places with the Eco Elegies cast.”
About Emma (she/they)
Emma is a Bay Area-raised dancer and choreographer putting down roots in Lisjan Ohlone lands (Oakland). Emma’s work moves from the body as a way of knowing — knowing power structures, identity, relation, healing, freedom, place — and from performance as a ritual portal that softens us into other forms of attention and being. Ongoing inquiries include ecological entanglement, the slippery place between language and dance, and the embodied afterlives of US empire in her Chinese and white lineage. Emma holds a BA in Dance & Anthropology from Bowdoin College and is a 2023 Emerging Artist in Residence at Shawl-Anderson Dance Center. Their work has been shown at the School for Contemporary Dance & Thought, Dance Mission Theater, and SADC.
Community Support
Dancing Earth’s Eco Elegies project is not possible without the support of our community. Help us develop this new work, support the artists we work with, and continue to activate our communities in the spirit of our mission, to create contemporary dance and related arts through global-Indigenous and intercultural relationships centered in ecological and cultural diversity for creativity, health, and wellness.