Eco Elegies Bay Area Cast
photo credit: Elizabeth Opalenik
Meet Ronice Stratton
Ronice is grateful to explore the tender theme of mixed-icism with other movers for Eco Elegies: Ritual of ReMix. Mixed-icism is the root of Ronice's identity journey. How do you hold multitudes in a collapsing world? What happens when one relinquishes their exquisite moxie to be embraced by belonging? And what emerges when all of this is witnessed?
About Ronice (she/they)
Ronice lives on unceded Ohlone land in Oakland, CA. Dance has become her highest expression—releasing what she holds within, in connection with others and the Earth that holds her. Part of that work includes Ronice's exploration of her Honduran identity, digging up its pain & joy, and finding lost lines through her dance.
Community Support
Dancing Earth’s Eco Elegies project is not possible without the support of our community. Help us develop this new work, support the artists we work with, and continue to activate our communities in the spirit of our mission, to create contemporary dance and related arts through global-Indigenous and intercultural relationships centered in ecological and cultural diversity for creativity, health, and wellness.