Eco Elegies Bay Area Cast
photo credit: Randi Lynn Beach
Meet Taraneh Sarrafzadeh
"Taraneh is moved to be apart of the Eco Elegies cast and performance as she relates deeply with the theme of mixed-icism and working with embodied ancestral wisdom as a form of reconciling and celebrating her multitudes of mixed heritages and her ever shapeshifting way of being and evolving.
She is in deep appreciation of Dancing Earth and the connection/exploration of the more-than-human world through dance... as we dive into our bodies’ knowing as a resource to move through the ecological crises and grief of our time, alongside resilience, adaptation, and hope for a more balanced and humble way of relating with the Earth and all of Life in it’s sacredness."
About Taraneh (she/her)
Taraneh was born and raised across Ohlone lands, known as the Bay Area, CA, with cultural and ancestral rivers confluencing from Iran, Philippines, and China. Taraneh is a lifelong student of embodiment as a path to reclaim, heal, remember, and reimagine our way back to ourselves and to ways of being (individually and collectively) that are restorative, transformative, and liberatory. Taraneh is currently a collaborating artist and arts producer/administrator with dance company Dancing Earth Creations. Her primary dance influence includes Silvestre Technique with maestra Rosangela Silvestre, and more recently Dancing Earth and Rulan Tangen since she participated in DE’s 2022 & 2023 Summer Institute, alongside other dance/movement forms and her study and rooting in Eastern spiritual practices. Taraneh is currently pursuing her Level 2 with Tamalpa Dance & Expressive Arts program. In May 2023, Taraneh collaborated with Emma Quan Dewey in the Shawl Anderson Dance Center’s AAPI performance showcase, and continues her interest in collaborating in ritual performance offerings.
Community Support
Dancing Earth’s Eco Elegies project is not possible without the support of our community. Help us develop this new work, support the artists we work with, and continue to activate our communities in the spirit of our mission, to create contemporary dance and related arts through global-Indigenous and intercultural relationships centered in ecological and cultural diversity for creativity, health, and wellness.