"Its important to remember what brings us together, what we all share.."
Autumn opens with Dancing Earth offering two workshops to the community, to explore creative process on WATER perspectives. Gathering people of different ages, backgrounds, gender, on Sundays Oct 2nd & 9th courtesy of the generous donation of Warehouse 21- together we shared stories and made haiku, still poses, movements, rhythms, and spoken word to deepen understanding of this element and its impact on our lives,as well as human impact on water.photo by: Paulo T. Photography |
Oct. 10-11th Director Rulan travels to Humboldt State University to offer a lecture, master dance class and join the local tribal members in 'Indigenous Peoples Week'Rulan, along with San Francisco dancer Daniel Arizmendi and Jaque Fragua, will attend the Bioneers Conference in San Rafael and create a short trio to be presented at the Marin Civic Auditorium at 10:15am on Sunday, Oct. 16th.Tour of OF BODIES OF ELEMENTS to Marty South Dakota, Nov. 1-3rd, with performance Thursday evening Nov. 3rd at Wagner Theater!Mon Oct 17 , Rulan attends the 'LEADERSHIP AT THE NEXUS ' forum , and Tuesday Oct 18 she will attend the OCCUPY SF protesting in solidarity as part of the 99 % ...AUTUMN CELEBRATION - a special fundraiser event at Legends Santa Fe on Nov. 4th!FINAL showing of OF BODIES OF ELEMENTSat Ft. Lewis College in Durango on Friday,Nov. 11th! We will be in Durango a few days beforehand offering various workshops.For further info on any of the events above, please contact rulan@dancingearth.org
New Mexico community members gathered at the James Little Theater Sept. for"Look to the Horizon"the first annual scholarship initiative for young & emerging dance artists from New Mexico!This years winner is Ruben Rascon, who received over a decade of dance training with NM schools including Moving People, National Dance Institute and Aspen Santa Fe performed as a teen with DANCING EARTH in 2007.
 photo by: Anne Staveley Dickinson
With subsequent scholarships to School of American Ballet in NYC and North Carolina School of the Arts, The Rock (PA), and summer trainings with American Ballet Theater and Boston Ballet programs, 19 year old Ruben is on his way to complete a year long an advanced training at the world renowned Bolshoi Ballet academy in Moscow this October! The tuition of 20,000 has been partially raised by communities in Massachusetts, and young New Mexican dancers of New Mexico School for the Arts, Moving People, Moving Arts Espanola and Aspen Santa Fe Ballet (including several of Ruben's talented siblings) donated their talents in a performance which helped raise $6000 additional dollars - and counting. DANCING EARTH members donated a portion of their hard earned dance fees towards Ruben's journey. If you would like to support Ruben's scholarship fund please contact movingartsespanola@hotmail.com
UC Riverside event UC Riverside Department of Dance features photo by Paulo T. Photography & dancers Serena Rascon & Eagle Young for their Indigenous Performance advertisment.