Earth Body Midwinter series :


Together, we will restore and re-story our sacred bodies, reconnecting our relationship with our most ancient and eternal matriarchs of land, sky, and waters. With simple intentional movements , we are encouraged to feel good in our physical forms as manifestations of the body as earth

🗓 Workshop Dates and Times:

  • Sunday, February 16: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST (9:00 AM PST | 10:00 AM MST | 11:00 AM CST)

  • Sunday, February 23: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST (9:00 AM PST | 10:00 AM MST | 11:00 AM CST)

  • Sunday, March 2: 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM EST (Note the later time) (2:00 PM PST | 3:00 PM MST | 4:00 PM CST)

Rulan’s methodology for will be drawing from decades of listening to and learning from matriarchs of many lineages and cultures, and he wisdom that is deep within the body , that deep intuition of kinesphere. … movement is medicine, movement is joyful. movement is empowering, movement is listening.. movement is worldmaking …

Intentions - to experience :

  • Revitalizing embodiment & Releasing gently of what no longer supports our growth,

  • ReImagining futures, with resilience and joy,

  • Restoration through Re-story-ing,

  • Relationship and Reconnection with inner and outer landscape,

  • Respect for self and all other forms of life,

  • ReGeneration that comes from Reciprocity, and compassionate Reflection.


  • 7 min Welcomes, intention, orientation, and invitation to share.

  • 75 min 'Movement as Medicine' for all humans, no experience necessary, with break

  • Final 8 min Will be a group reflection circle about what is joyful, challenging, and what transformed during our time together.


  • Everyone is invited including BIPOC and ally matriarchs (open definition including mothers, culture carriers, and makers who bring dreams into being).

  • All ages , experiences and levels are welcome ! Each participant is encouraged to self determine for their own body, to trust their own intuition and adapt the movements prompts to best suit them, so that everyone leaves feeling good , and finding what they need : from power through challenge to calm through relaxation.

  • In partnership with our co host, we open this invitation to courageous survivors of domestic or family violence to reclaim empowerment through sovereign embodiment and restorative practices for wellness.

  • As a survivor and supporter, Rulan welcomes those with Cancer, Chronic illness, Covid, including all Caretakers, to be able to participate even without a camera, lying down.” Movements can be modified to even lying down on bed and listening, imagining is a powerful ‘movement’!

  • Bring a friend or relative ! Lets experience wellness, creativity, and movement in circle, building strong and vibrant communities!

  • We extend this special invite to those who have joined or expressed interest in movement sessions in the cyber-world or live programming in 5 countries in the past few years to join this movement series, with Creatrix and Dreamvisioner Rulan Tangen. We invite your courage, creativity, compassion and care


  • Open mindedness, imagination, intuition and your full being

  • Layers of clothing for warmth and comfort and able to move

  • Barefoot or socks

  • Blanket or yoga mat

  • Water bottle

  • Notebook and pencil/pen


Sliding scale : $25-$75 recommended; Nobody is turned away for lack of funds, and if you are able to be generous with your resources, please consider doubling your donation to sponsor participation of someone who can not donate!

🔗 Register Now:
Register for February 16
Register for February 23
Register for March 2