Greetings to all in the Dancing Earth circle! Wishing each and every one of you a time of positive transformation in this prophetic year of 2012!NATIVE ARTS AND CULTURE FOUNDATION has announced its first annual Artists Fellowships, in the fields of Music, Visual Art, Film, Writing, and Dance. 2011 NACF Artist Fellowships, Support for Individual Artists:Artistic Innovation:Allen Michelson (Mohawk), New York City – Visual ArtsBennie Klain (Navajo), Oxford, Ohio – Film Rulan Tangen (Métis), Santa Fe, N.M. – DanceSherwin Bitsui (Navajo), Albuquerque, N.M. – LiteratureRaiatea Helm (Native Hawaiian), Honolulu, Hawaii – Music The NACF is the first national 501(c)(3) charity committed to building a fund dedicated exclusively to foster the revitalization, appreciation and continuity of Native arts and cultures “Support for this country’s Native arts and cultures is critical to our Foundation’s mission, which is to nurture the creativity of Native artists and organizations through our grantmaking program,” says NACF President/CEO T. Lulani Arquette (Native Hawaiian). “The NACF congratulates all of our 2011 grantees for projects and work that have not only inspired us at the NACF but also raised the visibility of Native arts and cultures in the United States and globally.” DANCING EARTH's Founding Artistic Director, Rulan Tangen, is profoundly moved and honored to be the first dance recipient of this award for artistic innovation, on behalf of the company's cultural research in the creation of new work. She gives deep thanks to the Native Arts and Cultures Foundations and the colleagues who nominated her, and gives sincere congratulations to all nominated artists and to the 2011 Artist Fellows, especially the poet visionary Sherwin Bitsui with whom she collaborated in the past. (Photo courtesy Santa Fe Photo Workshops) From the NACF press release:"Her work in the coming year will focus on the element of water as a primal force of earth and its life forms, and from an Indigenous perspective on ancient and current water issues. This encompasses a broad cycle of water themed movement activities: inter-generational workshops, inter-disciplinary collaborations, community actions, and site specific installations, as well as the development of a full length production for Dancing Earth titled “Walking the Edge of Water.”January 1st was met with traditional Turtle dances, song, and feasting with the Mirabal family at Taos Pueblo. |
WELCOME DANCING EARTH is expanding its Board to meet the enlarged activities nationally and internationally, and are currently recruiting supportive leaders with experience in a range of disciplines with strong commitment towards arts and culture for community and planetary wellness.Please feel free to contact mgmt@dancingearth.org if you feel you might have skills to support the amazing vision of DANCING EARTH as an active Board member!We are so pleased to welcome three new Board members: in Tim Harjo in Southern California, Gina Pacaldo in SF Bay Area, and Roger Montoya in New Mexico. Roger Montoya is a nationally recognized renaissance man. As a professional dancer he danced with renowned David Parsons and Paul Taylor companies in New York, as well as careers as gymnast, painter, activist, educator, mentor and now active community leader he co-directs multi-art programming for youth in Northern New Mexico, including Moving Arts Espanola and now he is the founder of a new State Charter school called La Tierra Montessori School for the Arts and Sciences which opens in 2012 in Española New Mexico. Roger has honored DANCING EARTH as a guest soloist, mentor and coach. (portrait by Paulo T. Photography)"I am so proud of DANCING EARTH and I am sure that the new work will be very strong and more than relevant in this era of needed re-focus for our planet and her people. I would like very much to support the goals of the company." Gina Pacaldo, "Toda Madre", is a Community Public Servant and Educator, working daily as a Dropout Prevention Specialist, Outreach Consultant and Director of an after-school Performing Arts Program. She has 50 years of performing in barrios, plazas, reservations, theatres, museums, schools, and universities throughout the country, Canada and Denmark. We have been honored for Gina to have joined us onstage in San Francisco as a guest artist mentor.“You guys are busting out some moves for our Native community. It’s revolutionary,” said Gina Pacaldo, herself a longtime dancer and performer. “The examples of what you do with your movement are part of what our community needs. Our people have been colonized in many, many ways, and we still are. We are all at risk, and when I see you, I see that your hearts are strong. Really, really strong—whoa. […] Us Grandmas, we still enjoy this. We like to see our youth being strong. You are a mirror of us and we are a mirror of you. We want you to own this, this responsibility. I hope that as long as the Creator keeps you here, you all keep moving.” Tim Harjo serves as the Chairman of Prairie Band LLC and is a co-founder of the Indigenous Film and Television Institute . He hold a Masters degree in Public Policy from Harvard University. His other alma maters include Arizona State University and Fort Lewis College in Durango, both sites of which DANCING EARTH has been welcomed for performance residencies. (photo courtesy Tim Harjo)"I am honored to serve on the Board. I have always admired and respected your work and the work of Dancing Earth." |
COMING SOON IN 2012 February brings Rulan to the Talking Stick Festival in Vancouver, for community cultural exchange around the water theme, as well as artist talk, and master andcommunity classes.March 9-10, at the National Hispanic Cultural Center of Albuquerque, DANCING EARTH''s First International Indigenous contemporary dance festival !NHCC and DANCING EARTH announce the Festival“NIGHT of STARS*MOON*WATER“ 12 of Native America’s finest performing artists, including DANCING EARTH’s own, will gather at National Hispanic Cultural Center to share their special gifts. Each performer takes to the stage to perform a stunning solo that highlights their vibrant talent like shining stars in the night. (photos by Paulo T. Photography)Showcasing the individual humanity at the core of devotion to the emerging field of Indigenous contemporary arts, these courageous and innovative performers embody the true essence of what it means to bring culture to life.This SPECIAL FUNDRAISER for DANCING EARTH’s autumn eco-production dedicated to awareness of Native perspectives on water will culminate in a multi-disciplinary improvisation.Featuring DANCING EARTH’s acclaimed and beloved New Mexico soloists, with guest artists from Santa Fe Indian School Spoken Word Poetry Team , the former Miss Blackfoot Canada, and the unforgettable songstress Sina Soul (http://www.sinasoul.com/), please join us for a riveting evening that moves from powwow to poetry and percussion in a vital expression of diversity!Details about tickets and times will be in the next newsletter! photo courtesy Miss Blackfoot Canada |
EDUCATION In addition to company member Jesus (Jacoh) Hernandez Cortes directing our successful San Francisco affiliate youth training program of Cuicacalli, Deollo Johnson is taking on role of Outreach Coordinator, with Lisa Nevada as New Mexico Education coordinator. Please contact mgmt@dancingearth.org to get details about bringing DANCING EARTH movement workshops to your community. And, drumroll …….DANCING EARTH is currently planning the first summer Indigenous dance intensive in the USA, from August 1-12 in Santa Fe!If you know of any youth, young adults, emerging artists seeking professional development, and inter-generational social workers or community leaders who wish to enhance their understanding of fitness from cultural perspective, please have them contact Rulan@dancingearth.org to request application details! photo by Paulo T. PhotographyWe are recruiting movers and shakers who are able to make passionate commitment to expand their artistic expressions, with a planned curriculum of:- DANCING EARTH warmup, repertory and all terrain training- Cultural song and dances ( Including Powwow, Capoeira, African, and Salsa forms) and cultural exchange evenings- Cross training forms such as running, weight training, yoga, pilates, chi gung, nutrition- Related arts such as costume and prop design and execution, beadwork, moccasin making, visual art, rhythm and vocals, creative writing and spoken word- Guest master classes with company artists and renowned professionals in forms such as Ballet, Breaking, Horton, and Hip Hop- Excursion to local art galleries, museums, and nature walks- Most advanced students of intensive will be eligible for company apprenticeship and inclusion in a company performance on August 11thWe look forward to gathering many of the amazing students we have met around the country on our national tours (including at the UNITY and Native Wellness Institute gatherings) to join us for this unique creative opportunity! |