April 2013
SUMMER INDIGENOUS PERFORMING ARTSTRAINING INTENSIVE AND TEACHERS TRAINING! For details CLICK HEREPlease consider support scholarships by making a DONATION to cover week-long tuition cost of $750! Please click here to assist a student to achieve their artistic and cultural goals!
THANKS TO STUDIOS:The Dance Zone Inc and Redding Arts Project in CA. Myra Krien of Pomegranate Studio Rima Miller of Yoga Moves Marshall Performing Arts Conservatory of Albuquerquefor their gracious donation of rehearsal space!
SPECIAL THANKS:Mccune Charitable Foundation New Mexico Dance Coalition We are a Member of the Intersection Incubator, a program of Intersection for the Arts providing fiscal sponsorship, incubation and consulting services to artists.Visit www.theintersection.org
INTERESTED IN BAY AREA NATIVE EVENTS?Sign up for BAY AREA INDIAN Native Calendar HERENACF Advisory Board Member, Buffy Sainte-Marie (Cree) says, 
“Art is a powerfulmedicine for the world.”
photo by: Paulo T. Photography |
THIS MONTH - Activities in April!
We are in rehearsals and curriculum preparation for ‘Waters of Wellness’ workshops coming up in Colorado and California, with the California activities thanks to theNATIVE ARTS AND CULTURES FOUNDATION BRIDGE INITIATIVE, which helps us expand our vision of bringing arts to serve in the healing of our people, our communities, our planet.Please contact Rulan@dancingearth.org for workshop information.
April 7-8 Fort Lewis College, Durango, ColoradoCLICK HERE for more information.* April 12-14 Sonoma Country, Redding and Shasta, CA* April 15-18 Intertribal Friendship House in San FranciscoApril 19-21 Earth day performance and residency culminating inPERFORMANCE APRIL 21 at Stanford University, hosted by LA RAZA, as coordinated by our amazing summer intern Javier Stell-Fresquez!April 22 EARTH DAY at Chrissy Fields , photo session with renowned photographer Elizabeth Opalenik.photo by: Elizabeth Opalenik / with: Ehren Natay and Jesus Jacoh Cortes in Danza Del Venado.* April 23-25 Sherman Indian School workshops , and residency at UC Riverside, which will host a reception honoring the historical archives of DANCING EARTH which will be donated to this campus for scholarly research. Thank you Professor Jacqueline Shea Murphy for this invitation!* April 28 Workshop at Eco-SF Garden in San Francisco for the SNAG Feast, in partnership with internationally respected Pomo musician Ras K’Dee.
* = Activities courtesy of NACF Bridge Initiative, for arts that impact health and vitality in communities with a focus on youth.
DANCING EARTH’s director traveled to Colorado on the equinox, and started the spring with master classes and lectures at two Universities in Boulder. Hosted by the wonderful Dorothy Tucker, who had been part of the staff of Michael Mao Dance where Rulan danced in New York City.

March 21 was a 2 hour master class for 50 students at Naropa University. The participants came from areas of peace studies, art therapy, somatic psychotherapy, art therapy, trauma healing, group process and dynamics, acupuncture, ecstatic dance, transpersonal counseling, ethnobotany, writing and poetics, socio-multicultural foundation and staff of the admissions office! Thank you to coordinator Deanne Grant, of the Pawnee Nation and diversity office! This date is noted by the United Nations as International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination and International Day of Forests, so both these were integrated into the class.March 22, World Water Day, Rulan offered a master class, film screening and lecture to over 35 participants at the invitation ofAssistant Professor Donna Mejia, winner of Fulbright’s Selma Jeanne Cohen Award for International Scholarship. March 23-24 Denver March PowwowBefore leaving Denver, Rulan met withCleo Parker Robinson, director of the renowned dance company in Denver, to discuss exciting plans for the future!
photo courtesy of J.Red Eagle At Stanford, Rulan had the  honor of meeting the Winnemem Spiritual Leader and Tribal Chief Caleen Sisk, who was showing her powerful film “Dancing Salmon Home” that reflects their struggle for water protection: “We were born from water, we are of the water, and we fight to protect it.”Click here to learn more about the cause of the Winnemem Wintu people: http://www.winnememwintu.us
photo courtesy of Winnemem Wintu website
DANCING EARTH is on the road .. Sunday April 7th : Open workshop at Skyhawk Studio, Ft Lewis College, Durango COweek of April 22nd : UC Riverside and Sherman Indian Schooldates TBA : Stanford University INFORMATION ABOUT DURANGO WORKSHOP :We invite our Durango community to :DANCING EARTH : Indigenous Contemporary Dance workshop !When : Sunday April 7th, 2013. 10 am - 1 pmWhere : Skyhawk Studio, Fort Lewis College, DurangoPlease register in advance with Rulan@dancingearth.orgRulan Tangen, Founding Director/Choreographer of the award winningDANCING EARTH Indigenous contemporary dance ensemble, returns toDurango to offer community members an Indigenous contemporary danceworkshop.Participants will be considered for selection for theDANCING EARTH summer dance intensive 2013.Workshop description:We will begin with a series of postures with slow moving transitions,based on Indigenous icons from intertribal cosmologies, breathing lifeinto stillness and vitality into ancient forms. Then we will invoke inthe seven directions of the medicine wheel to expand and orient body,mind, soul and emotions to inner and outer landscapes. Movementlanguage will explore the four cardinal elements, beginning withgroundwork and building up to patterns across floor. Individualizedinterpretation of movement language will be encouraged as anexpression of primal energetic presence and embodiment of diversity .Movements will emphasize breath, imagination, groundedness, initiationfrom spine, and participants will experience imagery drawn from NativeAmerican philosophiesApril 7th Consultation with Southern Ute Cultural CenterApril 8th , 4 pm Community consultation in Jicarilla Apache Rez, Dulce NMApril 12th Attending DANCING SALMON HOME film premiere at Redding California, honoring CHief Sisk and the Winnemum Wintu peopleApril 13th, 1-4 pm WATERS OF WELLNESS Dance Workshop at Redding City Ballet School, pls RSVP with Rulan@dancingearth.org and bring water and notebook - health snacks provided !April 17th ,- lunch with Native SAmerican Club at Stanford- guest lecture at Stanford University IMPROVISING IDENTITY April 18th- 12 to 230 pm WATERS OF WELLNESS warmup at El Centro, Stanford April 19th:10 am - noon - Open community workshop at Stanford April 20th LA RAZA day at Stanford, d11-2 daytime workshops for localyouth APRIL 21ST WALKING AT THE EDGE OF WATER, outdoors at Satnford University campus at 730 pm, near Totem Pole ! April 22 : 315 pm Guest lecture at PERFORMING INDIGENEITY class Stanford April 23 : 1240-2pm Guest class at UC RIverside,Evening dance session at Sherman Indian Schoo;April 24 : morning dance session at Noli High schoolApril 25 : 1240-2 guest class at UC Riverside April 27 : Santa Rosa, CA - guest dance session for Bangka Journey projectApril 28 : guest session with Ras K Dee's ECO GARDEN SF !