SPRING COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT, PERFORMANCES , WORKSHOPS, EVENTS, TRAININGS ! Feb-AprilJoanne Prince's Rainwater Gallery in Bristol England features moving tintype of Rulan by acclaimed Native photographer Will Wilson , in exhibition .March 3 In Santa Fe : Rulan gives lecture to Pomegranate Studios SEED program for Self Esteem and Empowerment through Dance, for young women and girls March 4 In San Francisco, Rulan and Dancing Earth gives SEEDS OF SOVREIGNTY workshop to Native inter-generational community members Seventh Native American Generation
March 5 In Bay Area, Dancing Earth and SEEDS OF SOUL initiative leaders engage with Esselen culture carrier in Monterey
March 7 Dancing Earth and Rulan going Janeen Antoine and Native Artists in gathering in East Bay, SEEDS movement building !
March 7 Empowering Women Of Color Conference , East Bay March 8 Rulan and Dancing Earth gives SEEDS OF SOVREIGNTY community movement workshop including Bangka Journey circle in Santa Rosa, 4-7 pm
March 9th Rulan and Dancing Earth gives lecture 10am -12noon at Sonoma State University, courtesy of Professor Leny Strobel, a brilliant Filipina writer /philosopher with extensive body of written work about decolonization and indigenous identity from Pinay perspectives.
March 9-10 : Rulan and Dancing Earthgives SEEDS OF MOVEMENT workshop for students at the Dance Zone, CupertinoMarch 11Rulan and Bay Area artists and culture carriers plant seeds of movement at Alcatraz, with a performative response to Ai Wei Wei exhibition. Image of Gina Pacaldo and Javier Fresquez, choreographed by musician Ras K Dee
March 11 Rulan and Dancing Earth gives Indigenous Contemporary Dance lecture and SEEDS workshop from 4-7 pm at Melissa Nelson's Native Studies class at San Francisco State March 12 Rulan and Dancing Earth gives SEEDS OF MOVEMENT workshop for students at Cal State Hayward 4-6 pm March 13 Rulan and Dancing Earth gives SEEDS movement from 1-4 pm at Indian Valley Farm at College of Marin in Novato with Cultural Conservancy, for Women and Land event
March 14 Rulan and Dancing Earth at Women and Land event at Point Reyes and SEEDS OF SOUL community gathering at Bissau Baobab starting 6 pm ! March 17 Rulan and Dancing Earth attend Academy for Love of Learning conversation session with Lucy Lippard and Chrissie Orr http://www.aloveoflearning.
org/event_detail/198/1255 March 18 Dancing Earth attends Native Wellness Institute's INDIGENIZING FITNESS training session with Anthony Thosh Collins ( an original founding member of Dancing Earth !) in Phoenix March 19-22 Colorado workshops and Denver March powwow, please contact Rulan@dancingearth.org for infoAt Powwow with 5th place winner of Mens Traditional special, young relative Atsaa, son of Anemone Mars !
TUESDAY March 24, Rulan gives Indigenous contemporary dance lecture at IAIA in Santa Fe 2-5 pm SATURDAY March 28, SEEDS OF MOVEMENT community dance workshop from 2-5 pm, at IAIA in Santa Fe
March 25- 29th , Lumhe Sampson and Anne Pesata represent Dancing Earth at Pangea's Indigenous Arts Leadership gathering in Minneapolis MN
APRIL 1-4 Rulan offers lecture - attended by Native students of Frontier High School , movement workshop for over 20 participants and at OSU in Stllwater Oklahoma. Highlights included a visit to Pawnee Nation, where Rulan offered cultural protocols and was welcomed by the Pawness Nation President and Vice Presidents, and Pawnee College President, as well as a feast with over 30 elders and members of Pawnee and nearby Nations !
Fri April 10th :Debut of AudioPharamacy 's music video : Solidarity ! April 11th SEED conference in Penasco NM
April 10-12 SEED broadcast truck in Mancos CO April 13th630 pm at Warehouse 21, Santa Fe : UN PEELING RACISM eventhttps://www.facebook.com/events/810303932389921/http://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/event-seeks-to-unpeel-racism-in-santa-fe/article_27ce3bb5-8689-5593-879d-0b94ceca3982.htmlhttps://www.facebook.com/OccupySantaFe/posts/1033161870044899 April 18 Rulan Tangen on panel for TRANSFORMING CURRICULUM at Green our Schools event , 2 pm at Genoveva Chavez Center in Santa Fe NMhttps://www.facebook.com/events/2320968381274111/ April 24-27 Rulan/Dancing Earth SEEDS OF MOVEMENT residency at Lupe Artes, Austin TX, image by Yoeme Homari : RE CLAIMING AUSTIN .Special thanks to Alicia Ledezm a and Marylou Castillo for their organizing and gracious hosting , and to the Treaty Oak which has stood for over 600 yrs, where we honored the Waco Tonkawa ( of Marylou's heritage ), Comanche and Apache original land inhabitatnts of Austin , bringing the positive and purifying elements of movement and images inspired by of sun and sunflower!
April 27 - May 1 Rulan Tangen is choreographer in residence at Culver Art Center, courtesy of UC Riverside with related SEEDS OF MOVEMENT workshops at Sherman Indian School
May 2 Indigenous Educational gathering in Bay Area
May 3 Jesus Cortes brings Cuicacalli Escuela and Comapnie to animate the streets of the Mission, for BAILE EN LA CALLE : art , dance, solidarity !read this great articlehttp://missionlocal.org/2015/05/baile-en-la-calle-offers-art-dance-solidarity/and check out the amazing profile on KQED ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyBWFkdH1yw&feature=shareMay 5-8 Indigenous Choreographers Symposium at UC Riverside activities featuring Jack Gray, Emily Johnson, Tanya Lukin-Linklater, Karyn Recollet, Tria Andrews and Miqu'el Dangeli. Pls contact jshea@ucr.edu for more info. Visit site for more info on May 7th.And, please LIKE the FB event page !https://www.facebook.com/pages/UCR-Indigenous-Choreographers-at-Riverside-Project-2015/1426038571034841 May 9 Medicine Ways event focusing on language preservation, with evening performances by Klee Benally and Frank Waln at UC Riverside : https://www.facebook.com/events/1537513893195631/ May 16
Extraordinary artists of New Mexico, Alaska and Guatemala bring their creativity to the Santa Fe Art Institute for one special evening, in response to SEED BROADCAST's installation, residency and workshop . Music, visual art , dance film, and movement will activate, animate, and embody the cultural -environmental themes. As gathered by Dancing Earth's Director /Choreographer Rulan Tangen, artists include : filmmaker Marion Claire Wasserman, flutist Suzanne Teng, vocalists Madi Sato, violinist Karina Wilson, percussion musician Ehren Kee Natay, interdisciplinary artists Tohil Fidel Brito Bernal (Ixil Maya) and Maria Regina Firmino Castillo (mestiza), visual artist Israel Haros Lopez, dance artists Molly Rose, Echo Gustafson, Julie Brette Adams, Trey Picket ( Tsalagi) , Anne Pesata ( Jicarilla Apache basket weaver/dancer) , Teklu ( Native Alaskan powwow dancer ), Talavai Denipah-Cook ( Tewa/Dine hoop dancer), Trey PickettAt : Santa Fe Art Institute ." Performances will be offered at lunch time and in evening session from 730-830Space is limited, with priority for SEED workshop participants ! For more info about reserving a spot to see performance please contactRulan@dancingearth.orgHere is a link to a blog article about the amazing interactivity of the day, posted in June :http://seedbroadcast.blogspot.com/2015/06/creatively-re-storying-our-seeds-at.html
May 17 Dancing Earth choreographer joins River Walk at 930am until noon . Rulan invites our circle to join community artist walk on behalf of Santa Fe River "Dry to Wet " - with Water advocate Bobbe Besold ..." It is open to the public...we are limited to 15 people though..and so need people to reserve their spots in advance. And yes it will be educational, participatory, a moving with water, and memory of water, our river = an honoring. And depending on the timing, and interest, we will create a sculptural map of the river together at the end of the walk. “ More info : Bobbebird@gmail.com MAY 17 at Brava Theater in San Francisco, Cuicacalli Escuela de Danza presents its 8th Annual Dance Festival :Tradicíon Movimiento y PasiónEspectaculo en el cual nuestro objetivo es exponer y compartir los bailes tradicionales de México, La magia y creatividad de la danza moderna contemporánea, y el casual y dinamico estilo del hip-hop. Donde nuestros estudiantes y bailarines demuestran cuantos disfrutan y se comprometen a esta hermosa forma de arte.Performance in which we aim to expose and share traditional dances of Mexico, The magic and creativity of contemporary modern dance, and the casual and dynamic style of hip-hop. where our students and dancers show the joy and commitment they have to this wonderful art form.Featuring Cuicacalli Dance Company’s newest production:Con la producción más reciente de Cuicacalli Dance Company : CICATRICES - Honoring and celebrating those who have lost their lives crossing the border.Honrando y celebrando a aquellos que han perdido sus vidas cruzando la frontera.May 22
Este fin de Semana es de Carnaval en San Francisco!Hoy Cuicacalli Escuela de Danza se presentara en el escenario ubicado en la calle 17 y Harrison a las 12:45pm y mañana en el Gran Desfile, por sexto año consecutivo estare dirigiendo a la Escuela Buena Vista Horace Mann.Así que vamos a quemar el mal humor y dejar ir todas las cosas malas y estar listos para recibir todos los bienes de la vida!Viva la vida!Viva Carnaval!Que Siga la Rumba!This weekend is Carnaval in San Francisco!Today Cuicacalli School of Dance will be presented on the stage located at 17th and Harrison at 12:45 pm and tomorrow at the Grand Parade, for the sixth year I'll be leading the Buena Vista Horace Mann School.So let's burn the bad mood and let go all the bad things and be ready to receive all the goods of life!Viva Carnaval!A celebration of life!Let the party begin!!May 30-31 Dancing Earth artists Rulan Tangen, Anne Pesata, Justin Giehm, Natalie Benally head to Arizona with Grand Canyon Trust