SEPT-OCT Events in San Francisco Bay Area
SEPT 8-11 appearances at Climate Change Summit (stay tuned for details!)
SEPT 10 Open Public Workshop: Movement for Movement Building at California State East Bay Dance Studio, 2-315, email for details!
OCT 8 Indigenous People’s Day, Alcatraz Island, Dancing Earth will close the annual celebration with mobile site immersive performance installations of current work-in-progress, GROUNDWORKS, which centers experiences of our cultural artist collaborators of Costanoan Ohlone, Kashaya Pomo, Wappo - original peoples of the greater Bay Area, with support from performing artists of other CA First Nations including Paiute, and global indigenous artists. Also, we are thrilled for collaboration with Ian Garrett and Teni Brant of ToasterLab (thanks to Canada Arts Council and York University for support), as well as our longtime collaborator the brilliant tech director Joe Dean of Lumenscapes!
Please contact Teri Storrs at if you would like up-to-date information as we approach the performance date.