November opens withDia De Los Muertos, celebrated in the mission district of San Francisco  with the family of Jesus Jacoh Cortes director of our associate Bay Area dance training program . The beloved mama of Jacoh - has overcome many challenges in her life, and having her initial cancer surgery is now courageously facing chemotherapy which some of you out there know is very very very expensive. She is continuing to work full time, as she has her whole life, so she can keep paying towards her treatment.Please consider giving some support to this beloved and brave woman .Friends, many of you have asked me how to best support Cancer patients, veterans and families impacted by this terrible disease. I have been vocal about my critique of the Pink Ribbon campaigns, asking people to do their research about the items/foundations that claim to benefit research ( look at the percentage of the overall profits actually go to research).What I see is the physical, emotional, psychological and financial devastation that face families in this situation and I suggested going to your nearest cancer ward and dropping off twenty dollars, or asking coordinators if you can donate to someone who needs help paying for their treatment, or make a homemade meal, or leave a voucher for groceries or gas, or sit with someone who is alone during their chemotherapy ...This is a very personal alternative to buying Pink Ribbon paraphernalia that is toxic, carcinogenic, and a highly commercialized, exploitive , sexualized campaign that dollar for dollar doesn't support enough research or support of cancer patients, in most cases...To support or learn more please click here : NEW MEXICO:November 4 performance of excerpts from Origin-Nation to  Re-Generation at BUILDING CREATIVE COMMUNITIES conference , with Rulan Tangen, Justin Giehm, Anne Pesata and Trey Pickett. Performance installation by Carmile Leonard. Live music by Ehren Natay with his IAIA students Lee and Nicole. Film installation by Marion Wasserman with Louis Leray. Spoken work poetry by students of Nm School for the Arts. THANK YOU NM Arts and NM Main Street , for this opportunity to express the powerful creativity and diversity of New Mexico Nov 6-8 Grand Canyon Trust convening of inter-tribal culture carriers with Dancing Earth at Ghost Ranch.IN BAY AREA:Regular Dancing Earth workshops coming soon ! Contact for more info ! IN INDIA !Salutations to our friends at The Cultural Conservancy, who will be traveling to Meghalaya, India, for @Indigenous Terra Madre 2015!It's an awesome five-day celebration of Indigenous FOOD and CULTURE centered on the theme: The Future We Want: Indigenous Perspectives and Actions.   

2015Dancing Earth

2016 !
