February 2013
February in Aoteroa began with Rulan dancing the choreography of Maori visionary creator Terri Ripeka Crawford, with singer Hinemoa and musician Jerome Mako, interpreting the words shared by Dr Huirangi during the Intercreate Symposium. This was presented at the Owae Marae for the healing of the waters of nearby Waitara.images by Alon Levite
Next was celebration of the Treaty of Waitangi day in Auckland, with a morning powhiri and afternoon outdoor reggae concert on February 6th !Master classes were given by Rulan at IndepeDANCE program of UNITEC, and for the amazing Atamira Dance Company !
The visit ended with an explosion of culture at the bi-annual TE MATATINI festival, held this year in the hot springs city of Rotorua. A dazzling display of 40 kapahaka groups, finalists selected from around the nation, each competing with a selection of 6 dances/songs. Congratulations not to the winners Te Waka Huia but to the other 39 exceptional dance groups, many of whom have been practicing relentlessly for over 5 months !Highlights here : http://www.maoritelevision.com/default.aspx?tabid=75&pid=16633