M.O.M.B. workshops in Bay Area

In Yelamu/San Francisco: Dance Mission Theater's D.I.R.T. Festival - Dance In Revolt(ing) Times and Dancing Earth presentMOVEMENT OF  MOVEMENT BUILDING !            M.O.M.B. workshops series  :11am -1230 pm  on March 21, 24, 28 and 31 ( Tuesdays and Fridays)at Dance Mission , 3316 24th Street, SF 94110415-826-4441 , www.dancemission.com  $60 for all four classes or $18/workshop ; Contact  dancemission.com  to sign up in advance ! Attendance to all workshops is advised for maximum impact but walk ins are also welcome.Dancing Earth is honored to offer four workshops in Yelamu - occupied territory of the Ohlone. We invite community to come together for cumulative practices over 4 sessions, that invoke movement for movement building, by integrating intuition, instinct and imagination ; exploring decolonization; reconnecting with the source of dance, restoring and re-story-ing, reconnection with the natural world and , kinetic access to  ancestral and futuristic wisdom, finding rhythm as a community. These practices center Indigenous worldview, dance as purposeful ritual, body as source for knowing, and regenerative relationships with self, community , non human relatives and planet for a more loving, compassionate, tolerant and sustainable future…About M.O.M.B - MOVEMENT OF MOVEMENT BUILDING is a workshop series initiated by Dancing Earth's Rulan to respond to current political climate, led by diverse cultural and creative leaders to connect  intersecting circles to revitalize community through creativity as foundation of resistance, both envisioning and enacting change. Led by different community creative leaders and hosted at different sites, we center relationships, reciprocity and respect and will culminate in Global Water Dance on June 24 in multiple locations in six continents across the globe  : http://globalwaterdances.orgMOMB creative sessions will be held respectfully in the traditional territories of the Tewa, Towa , Keres , and Ohlone peoples in the regions now known as Santa Fe and San Francisco.Coordinated cooperatively as a volunteer and in-kind effort by by Dancing Earth with individual creative cultural leaders,A Blade Of Grass , New Mexico Dance Coalition, Pomegranate Dance Studio, SITE Santa Fe, Retake Our Democracy , Santa Fe Art Institute Water Rights residency, Center for Contemporary Arts,  Dance Mission, Dance for Revolt(ing) Times Festival and other emerging partners. Stay tuned for monthly sessions at some of these locations !

2017, NewsDancing Earth



seeds : ReGeneration World Premiere in Durango, CO