FEBRUARY Newsletter: The Work Begins! New Creative Cycle Explores Native Plants, Mentorship, Seeds, And Exchange.

FEBRUARY Newsletter: The Work Begins! New Creative Cycle Explores Native Plants, Mentorship, Seeds, And Exchange.Feb 3rd: Rulan Speaks at staging sustainability international conference panel entitled "How are those on front lines of sustainable development issues engaged and represented in performance?"Feb 6th: Center for Indigenous Theater hosts a workshop by Rulan Tangen.Feb 6-16th: Rulan co-choreographs with Penny Couchie for Aanmitaagzi. They will share "land dancing" movement practices, and dance on the frozen lakes!Feb 27th - March 2nd: Real Food Challenge at Santa Fe University of Art and DesignClick This Link To View Full Newsletter :  http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/950535/2deeb256b8/283142069/555ae26435/DE_Banner_Cover_Feb_2 2

2015Dancing Earth

Images for Crowdfunder 2015


DECEMBER Newsletter: Ft. Lewis's community of creativity and support made last month's show a brilliant success!