April and May events !

April : This month, as a Santa Fe Art Institute Water Rights artist, Rulan will be in creative company with brilliant national and international artists and thinkers, and she will be offering many activities to move the work from campus out into community - stay tuned for activities such as  T shirt styling and clothing swaps ( combatting fashion as a major global water polluter), water walks, and more  !

April 1-2 : in San Francisco, CA - Dancing Earth performance at D.I.R.T. - Dance In Revolt(ing) Times - Festival at Dance Mission ; more info here : https://www.facebook.com/events/1851067561776803/  or http://www.dancemission.com/programs/down_and_dirty.html

April 7: Academy for the Love of Learning indigenous academic gathering

April 8: Rehearsal of duet with Jock Soto for JOCK SOTO COLLABORATIVE

April 9-10: Honoring Anthony Hassett in Taos

April 11: New Mexico Dance Coalition monthly free community session 6-7pm featuring Tai Chi  technique

April 19-22 : Decolonizing Nature , a free event : http://decolonizingnature.unm.edu

April 21-22 : RENEWABLE ENERGY FESTIVAL at Northern New Mexico Community College - Bringing Power To The People ! On Fri evening Dancing Earth performs in program between 6- 8 pm at Nick Salazar center for the Arts ; Saturday activities are from 9-3pm, with demonstrations, lectures, films about adobe construction, conserving energy in NM, green building, passive solar design, solar wind and geothermal power ...

April 22 : at 11 am : learn to make paper from invasive plant species with  Meg Heeres  SFAI Water Rights artist in residence !

April 21 : at 7 pm New Mexico School of the Arts senior concert, featuring a collaborations with students and Rulan about water, as inspired by phrases from our 2012 dance work “ Walking At The Edge of Water"

April 27 : Dancing Earth performs excerpts from ”... SEEDS RE GENERATION...”  to honor the amazing contestants of Miss Indian World, at the Albq Convention Center at 7 pm !

April 27 : Rulan presents at the DEAR PATRIARCHY event at Meow Wolf , link here for info : http://www.dancingearth.org/dear-patriarchy-event/

April 28 : Songs from the Extraction Zone, at SFAI : https://www.facebook.com/events/1865102500407945/

April 29 : Esme Vaandrager and Sina Soul join other amazing female performing artists performs at Fierce Feminine Rising event at the Railyard Performance Center in Santa Fe, proceeds to benefit Honor The Earth and Girls Inc : https://www.facebook.com/events/119703045233746/

Fierce Feminine Risings postcard

2017Dancing Earth



Ogaa Pogeh ( aka Santa Fe ) : MOMB Workshop # 3