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MARCH Movement as Medicine : MIDWINTER SERIES , Waxing Moon

Movement as Medicine : MIDWINTER SERIES w/ Rulan Tangen

March 13 & 27

9-10:15am PT . 10-11:15am MT . 11-12:15pm CT . 12-1:15pm ET


DANCING EARTH CREATIONS dynamically activates our mission, to create contemporary dance and related arts through global indigenous and intercultural relationships centered in ecological and cultural diversity for creativity, health, and wellness.

“We gather as individual artists to create experimental yet elemental dances that reflect our rich cultural heritage as contemporary global peoples. We strive to embody the unique essences of cultural perspectives by creation and renewal of artistic and cultural movement rituals. Ancient and futuristic, our dances are an elemental language of bone and blood memory in motion.” - Founding Director, Rulan Tangen


For midwinter series of Movement as Medicine, Dancing Earth offer four sessions in both February and March, timed near half moon, full moon, waxing moon, and waning moon.

During these four sessions, we will reach through our individual and collective bodies, exploring dreamscape and landscape, shape and movement that connect us with various life forms impacted by the moon : plants, waters, animals, birds, and humanity - in a myriad of different forms!

At the waxing moon we move towards growth, and increasing illumination of what we are dreaming in …

We extend this special invite to those who have joined or expressed interest in movement sessions in the past year, to join this month’s movement, with Creatrix and Dreamvisioner Rulan Tangen. We invite your courage, creativity, compassion and care - and welcome you to bring a friend!


10min Welcomes, intention, orientation, and invitation to share quotes.

55min 'Movement as Medicine' for all humans, regardless of dance background.

Final 10min Will be a group reflection circle about what is joyful, challenging, and what transformed during our time together.


Movements can be modified to even lying down on bed and listening, imagining is a powerful ‘movement’!


Open mindedness, no dance experience necessary

Layers of clothing for warmth and comfort and able to move

Barefoot or socks

Blanket or yoga mat

Water bottle

Notebook and pencil/pen


WE ARE THE SOURCE: Sharing With Each Other


Chris Berry & Esmé Olivia in Concert, March 17th