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The Flowering Way : Welcome to Movement of the Earth Body

Welcome to Movement of the Earth Body : 


Sunday, Dec 15th

10-11:15am PT  .  11-12:15pm MT  .  12-1:15pm CT  .  1-2:15pm ET

Dancing Earth is honored to host The Flowering Way, a series of four (4) workshops during the fall/winter in the northern hemisphere and spring/summer in the southern hemisphere. These workshops are part of Artistic Director Rulan Tangen’s exploration of her emergent eco-somatic movement work, which has recently included invitations to the Mediterranean and Mexico for performances, artist residencies, and immersive dance process co-leadership.

A multidisciplinary, multi-sensory, multidimensional, mysterious, and magical movement process of 'mixed-icism' will center on the wisdom of the body, cultivating seeds of dreams into embodied blossoming. Together, we will explore the connections between the inner dreamscape, the outer landscape, and all the relationships in between.


Sliding scale: $25-$75, recommended
No one is turned away for lack of funds!

If you can be generous with your resources, please consider doubling your donation to sponsor the participation of someone who cannot donate! Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Everyone is invited, including BIPOC and allies, movers, shakers, dreamers, and creators. No prior dance experience is necessary—just bring your full self, curiosity, and a friend!


  • Opening 7 min Welcomes, intro, orientation, and invitation to share intention.

  • 45 min Accessible ‘Earth Body’ movements for all.

  • 15 min Intro to more vigorous and full-body adaptation movements.

  • 7 min Closing breaths, elongation, restfulness and integration.

  • Final 11 min  Will be a group reflection circle about what is joyful, challenging, and what transformed during our time together, and announcement of upcoming invitations.



  • To experience and awaken full embodiment,

  • Supportive Release of what no longer supports our growth,

  • Resilience and Rigor with joy,

  • Restoration through Re-story-ing, 

  • Blossom into Revitalization,

  • ReImagining futures,

  • Relationship and Reconnection with inner and outer landscape, 

  • Respect for self and all other forms of life,

  • ReGeneration that comes from Reciprocity, and Compassionate Reflection.


  • As a survivor and supporter, Rulan welcomes those with cancer, chronic illness, or COVID, as well as all caretakers, to participate even without a camera or while lying down. Movements can be modified, including resting in bed and simply listening—imagining is a powerful form of 'movement'!


  • Open mindedness, imagination, intuition and your full being

  • Layers of clothing for warmth and comfort and able to move

  • Barefoot or socks

  • Blanket or yoga mat

  • Water bottle

  • Notebook and pencil/pen

  • A FRIEND! We invite your courage, creativity, compassion, and care—and encourage you to bring a friend to share in this transformative experience!


DANCING EARTH CREATIONS dynamically activates our mission, to create contemporary dance and related arts through global indigenous and intercultural relationships centered in ecological and cultural diversity for creativity, health, and wellness.

“We gather as individual artists to create experimental yet elemental dances that reflect our rich cultural heritage as contemporary global peoples. We strive to embody the unique essences of cultural perspectives by creation and renewal of artistic and cultural movement rituals. Ancient and futuristic, our dances are an elemental language of bone and blood memory in motion.” - Founding Director, Rulan Tangen

These movement sessions will be coming from Ohlone or Tewa homelands, to learn more about some of Dancing Earth  friends and to support the initiatives of matriarchs, please view links of 

December 1

The Flowering Way : Welcome to Movement of the Earth Body