Earth Body: Movement for All with Rulan Tangen
November 19th, 2023
9-10:15am PT . 10-11:15am MT . 11-12:15pm CT . 12-1:15pm ET
$1 - $15+
Earth Body movement class dates are : Oct. 8, Oct. 22, Nov. 5, Nov. 19, Dec. 3, Dec. 17, and Dec. 31. We encourage joining us for the entire series to fully immerse yourself, feel free to drop in for one or more sessions as it suits your schedule.
Experience EARTH BODY, a seasonal series of 7 online workshops, thoughtfully curated by Rulan Tangen, the Founding Artistic Director and Choreographer of Dancing Earth. Rooted in a spirit of love and inclusivity, this multidisciplinary, multi-sensory, and multi-dimensional offering delves deep into the wisdom of the body. It's a journey that invites participants to reconnect with themselves, forge deeper connections with others, and rediscover their place within the intricate tapestry of the earth and cosmos. Elements of writing and drawing may be incorporated to enrich the exploration.
These classes and your participation serve as part of the Artistic Director's emergent exploration of her innovative MIXED-ICISM movement, dedicated to themes of eco-elegies, eco-feminism, and eco-liberation, in an evolving body of work that is constantly iterating to be site-responsive and fluid to the unique expression of each place/time it is nested within.
During this series of 7 workshops, we will experience:
Movement as restoring, and re-story-ing!
Embodiment of patterns of diverse life forms as relationships with beyond human being-ness, with observation, memory, bio-mimicry and empathy.
Liminal space of dreaming and the unknown sources of imagination and intuition.
Love as experienced through connection via migration and exchange between human beings.
Joy as experienced through compassion for self as fluid, complex, and ever evolving.
Multi sensory synthesis, bit and pieces to become whole in a living eco-system of immersive diversity.
BRING A FRIEND! Lets experience wellness, creativity, and movement in circle, building strong and vibrant communities ! We extend this special invite to those who have joined or expressed interest in movement sessions in the cyber-world in the past year, to join this movement series , with Creatrix and Dreamvisioner Rulan Tangen. We invite your courage, creativity, compassion and care - and welcome you to BRING A FRIEND!
A commitment to the full 7-class series is recommended but you are also able to sign up for whichever you can attend.
5 min Welcomes, intention, orientation, and invitation to share.
50 min Earth Body: Movement for All.
Final 10 min Group reflection circle about what is joyful, challenging, and what transformed during our time together.
As a survivor and supporter, I especially welcome those with Cancer, Chronic illness, Covid, including all Caretakers, to be able to participate even without a camera, lying down.” - Rulan Tangen . Movements can be modified to even lying down on bed and listening, imagining is a powerful ‘movement’!
Open mindedness, imagination , intuition and your full being
Layers of clothing for warmth and comfort and able to move
Barefoot or socks
Blanket or yoga mat
Water bottle
Notebook and pencil/pen
Your class contribution (at whatever level) supports creativity beyond borders!
We are encouraging donations to support Dancing Earth’s leadership training, ecological movement practices, and international cultural exchange programs (recent and upcoming engagement with artists, community groups and culture carriers in Colombia, Mexico, Cuba, Australia and New Zealand), to create compassionate and sustainable relationships for creativity beyond borders. Even if you can’t attend please consider making a donation to support this or any of Dancing Earth’s generous , prolific and ongoing inter-cultural, inter-generational, inter-disciplinary and inclusive creations!
With gratitude, we welcome you to be a part of our circle by making your donation:
Nobody is turned away for lack of funds, and if you are able to be generous with your resources, please consider doubling your donation to sponsor participation of someone who can not donate!
More about Rulan :
More about DE :
More about Eco Elegies :
These movement sessions will coming from Ohlone or Tewa homelands, to learn more about some of Dancing Earth friends and to support the initiatives of matriarchs, please view links of
Sogorea Te Land Trust :
Indian Canyon :
Pocket Guide to Ohlone solidarity :
Photos by Randi Lynn Beach
DANCING EARTH CREATIONS dynamically activates our mission, to create contemporary dance and related arts through global indigenous and intercultural relationships centered in ecological and cultural diversity for creativity, health, and wellness.
“We gather as individual artists to create experimental yet elemental dances that reflect our rich cultural heritage as contemporary global peoples. We strive to embody the unique essences of cultural perspectives by creation and renewal of artistic and cultural movement rituals. Ancient and futuristic, our dances are an elemental language of bone and blood memory in motion.” - Founding Director, Rulan Tangen