Artist: Andy Goodman / Title: “Two Ghosts haunting the mall and they are my friends” (a brightly colored painting in abstract shapes”
Dancing Earth’s ECO ELEGIES: RITUAL OF REMIX series is excited to host interdisciplinary community salons, live and online. Each event centers the energy of “mixed-icism”, and involves conversations about mixed identities, orientations, and influences…
Sunday, May 21, 2023
4:30-5:30pm PT . 5:30-6:30pm MT . 6:30-7:30pm CT . 7:30-8:30pm ET
Come learn techniques to make your own journals and notebooks using natural and recycled materials. Learn how to incorporate creative book-making into DIY archiving practices in hopes of creating the radical acts of witnessing yourself and the communities you serve. This class does require 30 minutes of prep for gathering materials.
Materials to gather (everything BOLDED is required, anything else is not required) If you bought all required and non-required items on this list it'll be around $10
a sturdy stick that you love
a big rubber band
sturdy thickish waxy thread this could be floss or bookbinding thread, embroidery thread is fine
a needle that is big enough for thread
a ruler
thick paper
printer paper
scraps of paper you like or have saved (this could include old birthday cards, postcards, drawings, old photos, old books, old children's books, old journals, receipts anything you feel okay cutting into and making something new)
some glue (elmer, modge podge, glue stick, hot glue, PVA all work)
stapler and staples
white paint + brush: this could be a white-out pen or matte medium
This class will be recorded, for registrants to be able to access Zoom recording for a limited time, to give some flexibility to your pace of designing and creating your journal!
Left to Right by Andy Goodman: #1 “Two Ghosts haunting the mall and they are my friends” (a brightly colored painting in abstract shapes” #2 “Page one of many” (a square painting with translucent squares interlocking in a muted palette” #3 “things I try when I’m confused” (Collage w fluorescent paint and ripped and dyed paper).
Andy Goodman. Photo by
John Pitts-Wiley @jpittswiley
About Andy Goodman
I am a painter, youth advocate, videographer, dancer, and curator. Located in Narragansett land, I use movement to engage with my Diaspora Jewish identity on colonized land. I love mixing dance with word and film to create poetic movement essays. As an artist I gravitate toward the imperfections of movement, speech, and story. The awkwardness, the fails, and the stuttering are all places that hold wisdom as I explore my familial history. A history riffled with amnesia and loss.
Andy's Digital Zine / Instagram @princessblintz
Who is this for? People of Mixed-ness!
What does that mean? We are inviting this meaning to inclusively expand in what ‘mixed-icism’ could mean - do you speak more than one language, do you balance a job with family duties, are your ancestors from different counties or villages, do you spend time in both urban and rural settings, did you grow up in a household with more than one religion, do you carry masculine and feminine energies - we will be tracking all the mixed-ness throughout each Mixed Salon event!
Why? Because we feel that diversity is what creates an interesting cultural experience, and we know that eco-diversity is crucial to life on earth, so we want to celebrate the mixed-ness within each individual! And, this is the theme being explored in Rulan’s next creative production…
We welcome donations for those who are attending - or those who are not - to support Dancing Earth’s eco-centered creative practices year round!
DANCING EARTH CREATIONS dynamically activates our mission, to create contemporary dance and related arts through global indigenous and intercultural relationships centered in ecological and cultural diversity for creativity, health, and wellness.
“We gather as individual artists to create experimental yet elemental dances that reflect our rich cultural heritage as contemporary global peoples. We strive to embody the unique essences of cultural perspectives by creation and renewal of artistic and cultural movement rituals. Ancient and futuristic, our dances are an elemental language of bone and blood memory in motion.” - Founding Director, Rulan Tangen
Special thank you to CSU East Bay for hosting this workshop and our Summer Institute 2023!
Nobody is turned away for lack of funds, and if you are able to be generous with your resources, please consider doubling your donation to sponsor participation of someone who can not donate!
We will be limiting space so please consider your reservation a commitment. We are encouraging donations to support Dancing Earth’s.
International cultural exchange programs (recent and upcoming engagement with artists, community groups and culture carriers in Colombia, Mexico, Cuba, Australia and New Zealand), to create compassionate and sustainable relationships for creativity beyond borders.
Mentorship program for emerging artists leaders, spanning peer mentorship in administrative management, fundraising, budgeting, producing, grant writing, contracting, support for developing directorial and choreographic practice, coaching solo works, and community networks for workshops - and the vast creative skills needed to sustain a free lance performance career!
Cultivating high quality multi -media iterations to archive live work and as independent creative projects - as archival film footage is so often requested by our communities!
Summer Institute scholarships for incredible emerging artist-humanists!
Even if you can’t attend please consider making a donation to support this or any of Dancing Earth’s generous, prolific and ongoing inter-cultural, intergenerational, inter-disciplinary and inclusive creations! With gratitude, we welcome you to be a part of our circle by making your donation.