Warm Autumnal Greetings from Dancing Earth Creations!

Dancing Earth’s ongoing creative, cultural, and communal response to these times is one of kinship between all voices, as we recognize the need for solidarity and reciprocity.


Thursday, October 15th

7:30pm PDT . 8:30pm MDT . 9:30pm CDT . 10:30pm EDT
7:30pm MST

Watch it LIVE, presented by ASU Gammage.


Warm Autumnal Greetings from Dancing Earth Creations!

Dear Friends & Beloveds,

We are so grateful for you and your commitment to Dancing Earth’s mission. THANK YOU.  Thanks to your support and friendship, we have been able to launch unforeseen joyful positivity in new offerings over the past months. 

When the C19 crisis hit, Dancing Earth Creations was immediately devastated by loss… of good friends, family, livelihoods, and community to this dis-ease. In those first weeks we struggled, trying to figure out what we could offer to our communities to bring light and hope to what felt like an extremely dark moment. Together we found a way, and lifted up our voices, and asked others to join us... we THRIVED inside this crisis..we shone as a light to uplift, to bring resilience, hope, and magic!

With this in mind we continue to focus our program development by stretching into unknown realms of online offerings, with a focus on offering space to marginalized voices.

Our year-end goal is to raise $38,000 by December 31st--- and if just 500 of our friends donate $75 we will reach our goal, allowing us to pay artists, lecturers, and teachers a living wage as well as offering low and no cost events for everyone to be uplifted, together!

With your ongoing support we will thrive together---
bringing resilience, hope, and magic through our many programs and projects:

Lectures & Panels: Our lecture and panel series are a platform for conscious thought provoking conversations, bringing voice to those that are not always given a voice in our social spaces. i.e Afro-Indigenous Empowerment & Indigenous Two Spirit / IndigiQueer / Native Trans Talk Circle

The Legacy Internship Program is a project we have been cultivating over the last few years via our Summer Institutes. This year we turned a corner with this project with three members of our dance cohort moving into different roles within the business areas of the company, in Arts Administration, Teacher Training, Filmmaking, and Marketing fields. 

Dancing Earth ARTIST COHORT: This cohort has been meeting weekly since April for support, training, and as a place for developing online offerings in community. The COHORT developed a new method of choreography with Rulan Tangen’s fierce direction, continuing to make art no matter what, with whatever you have at hand.  As we recognize the need for skill building amongst artists, we offered training in film making, virtual backgrounds and green screening,  and sound scoring for development of online digital presentations.

The results of these ongoing collaborative relationships was Indigenous Futurities w/Toaster Lab, and the BTW US Cyberspace with Jon Sims and Carolina Azteca Sirias.

The Indigenous Futurities performance took place on June 18th. With a super sweet community after party with our old friend and one of the first DE Dancers, Quetzal, leading the way with a beautifully crafted sound score for IF and then a kickin DJ set for our after party! We danced and danced and danced!!

November 5-20th

Mini-Series of Six Episodes.
LIVE, Sixth Episode, November 20th.

BTW US Cyberspace creates an exciting new vision for the potential of  online performances to become inter-continental visionary incantation for life. Dance joins DIY filmmaking and visual imagery of virtual reality world-making to tell the story of resilience and renewal, in an innovative mini-series of dynamic episodes.

This summer we had an overwhelming response to our Movement as Medicine Summer Immersion with 34 people from around the globe joining us to move, sing, and rejoice in the beauty of the natural world through the pedagogy of DE based land dance practices, ancestral movement development, and creating land dances for film, through an extensive project via the C5: Cultural Collaboration Cyberspace Content Creation.

We hope to see you at our next dance party!

November 28th

A celebration to mark our 16 Year Anniversary. DE has been thriving and we want to share that with you! Please join us!

We want to acknowledge in gratitude all of the donations that folks have given of their creative time, attention, prayers, finances, and energy in holding space and hope for the change we all seek... to be more in balance and with reciprocity at the core of how we are more together than we are apart.  

Thank you for your support of Dancing Earth!!

Sending prayers to you and your beloveds for good health, well being, peace, and justice as we all continue to move and grow through these turbulent moments of unknowing and uncertainty.

Knowing that YOU are here with us
on the journey grounds us in a resonance of connection!

With a Dancing Spirit,

Rulan Tangen, Founding & Artistic Director

Dancing Earth Indigenous Creations

*All donations are processed through our fiscal sponsor,

Intersection for the Arts 

(EIN# #94-1593216)

1446 Market Street

San Francisco, CA, 94102

Gifts over $250 will receive a receipt for tax purposes. 

Please note on check: Dancing Earth

Online gifts can be made at
