UPCOMING EVENTS :In OCTOBER ::: AudioPharmacy and Dancing Earth presents ... SEEDS AND SOUL FESTIVAL ON OCTOBER 24th ! SECRET LOCATION in the territory whose original name is Huichuin ....!! stay tuned in ...an exciting October of Bay Area events to celebrate, advocate and expand offerings of Indigenous Peoples Day on Oct 12.These include :Oct 7-9 Rulan leads guest classes at UC Berkeley's Dance departmentOct 10 Rulan joins EEDS AND SOUL Festival leaders join Cultural Conservancy at Indian Valley FarmOct 10 Rulan brings students to Berkeley Powwow : http://ipdpowwow.orgOct 11 CA Native Big Time event : http://www.urbannativeera.com/events/ohlonebigtimeFotos
Rulan in powwow regalia
Last springs workshop at Indian Valley Organic Garden

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfPCxfBo0WsClick above for a short film by Cultural Conservancy !Oct 9-11 Rosy Simas Dance in San Francisco at ODC , with discounted tickets available for Native community dance@rosysimas.com https://odcdance.org/performance.php?param=273Oct 12 Dancing Earth joins Sunrise ceremony at Alcatraz (https://www.alcatrazcruises.com/website/sunrise-gathering.aspx ) and Indigenous peoples events at UC BerkeleyOct 16-18 Dancing Earth at Indigenous Knowledge Forum of BIONEERS, and in performances on Friday midday at Sunstage, and Sunday midday at Sunstage along with AudioPharmacy - with interactive dances for youth and audience participation !!! www.bioneers.org( below image by Jennifer Esperanza of DANCING EARTH 's Daniel Arizmendi, Rulan Tangen and Jaque Fragua at BIONEERS MainStage in 2011) This years performance of Lupita Salazar and Anne Pesata for Indigenous forum:Week of Oct 19th :Dancing Earth leads SEEDS AND SOUL community workshops in Yelamu and Huichin territories ( more recently known as San Francisco and East Bay ) :Mon Oct 18 and Tues Oct 19 : OPEN TO COMMUNITY from 6-8 pmat Embodiment Arts Collective, 3490 20th St, 3rd For, San Francisco CA 94110Wed Oct 20 and Thurs Oct 21 Community Rehearsals ( by invitation) from 530-830 at AVE, 915 Cayuga ave, San Francisco CA, with Dress Rehearsal from 2 to sunset at secret East Bay location on Fri Oct 23rd ! OCT 24th the first SEEDS AND SOUL FESTIVAL !!!!Dancing Earth is teaming up with Audiopharmacy to produce a festival on OCT 24 at a Secret West Oakland Location! SEEDS & SOUL is a one-day festival harnessing the power of the ARTS and INDIGENOUS CULTURAL EXCHANGES to BRIDGE Bay Area Indigenous communities & allies.Celebration! Dialogue! Learning!Led by Indigenous Wombyn, Two-Spirits, and male allies, SEEDS & SOUL will celebrate the diversity of indigenous identities, provide a platform for critical dialogue, build unity and alliance among communities, and strengthen community resilience in these times of rapid social and environmental change.Special thanks to the incredible heartfelt leadership of Javier Stell- Fresquez, Joana "Love" Cruz, and their amazing circle !!! FOR MORE INFO PLEASE email seedsandsoul@gmail.com Oct 26-30 the month ends with Rulan co-facilitating with Professor Eric Kupers : Indigenous Dance week at Cal State East Bay, with workshops and potlucks Mon -Thurs at 6 - 930 pm , culminating in an informal performance at 3 pm on Friday . featuring arts and cultural representatives of Ohlone, Aztec, Powwow and Dancing Earth !Oct 26th from 630-930 Potluck and Ohlone cultural evening with Kanyon sayersOct 27th from 630-930 Potluck and Powwow evening with Anecsita HernandezOct 28th from 630-930 Potluck and indigenous contemporary ecological dance with Dancing EarthOct 29th from 630-930 Potluck and Danza Azteca with Grupo Lluvio PreciosaFESTIVAL CULMINATION : Fri., Oct. 30, 3:00 – 5:00pm Inter-Cultural Sharing with Rulan Tangen, Kumu Kaui Peralta, Navarrete x Kajiyama Dance Theater, Piñata Dance Collective, Maori Mo Ake Tonu, Neil Marcus & Eric Kupers, Bruce Bierman, Sammay Dizon, Inclusive Interdisciplinary Ensemble, and MORE!
INFO : eric.kupers@csueastbay.edu or 510.885.3154

Indigenous Dance Fest Flyer2image courtesy Iscah Carey*******************Beyond the Bay, we also have amazing things happening in the Southwest in celebration of INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY :first week of October, Trey Pickett guest teaches for Wingate High School's new Performing Arts program , led by Natalie BenallyOct 12 , Anne Pesata performs her BasketWeavers solo and co-leads a dance and poetry workshop for Buffalo Council's Indigenous Peoples Day event at Ft Lewis College, DurangoOct 28 FOOD EVENT at Institute of American Indian Art !( foto by Yoeme Homari)Special thanks to photographers Alicia Ledezma, Yoeme Homari and Daniel Quat !Special thanks to Guthrie Miller for housing for Summer Institute in August !Special thanks to Tom Pinkson for donation in support of our Bay Area Indigenous Peoples month activities ! Here are some more links and descriptions of exciting events of interest !Bangka Footage at SEEDS AND SOUL : https://www.facebook.com/Treewizdom/videos/10153673791219450/********A victory !http://www.nbcbayarea.com/on-air/as-seen-on/700-Acres-of-Sonoma-County-to-Be-Returned-to-Native-American-Tribe_Bay-Area-334883031.html ******some awesome new friends/colleagues : beedanceproject.org check it out ! Image of Anne Pesata guest dancing with the bee dancers at Bioneers. Amazing set design by Alaskan Native artist David K, and choreography by his partner Christina Leyva. Their website gives a link to petition signing to save the bees ! Salutations to our friends at The Cultural Conservancy, who will be traveling to Meghalaya, India, for @Indigenous Terra Madre 2015!It's an awesome five-day celebration of Indigenous FOOD and CULTURE centered on the theme: The Future We Want: Indigenous Perspectives and Actions. In NM :The powerful culture carriers/philosopher/artist /activists María Regina Firmino Castillo and Fidel Eduardo Brito Bernal of Guatemala are in NEW MEXICO THIS WEEK :Please join them TONIGHT for the screening of the Jaula de Oro, which will be presented by Tohil and Bill Wagner [AKA Bill Savila] or in the next few days (until November 4).The film is about a small group of youth migrants from Mexico and Guatemala and the perils they face crossing the border. It is not a documentary, but it speaks truths: http://www.artful-life.org/#!migration-film-series/c113r It starts at 6:30 PM at: African American Performing Arts Center 310 San Pedro Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108( here is a foto of them with Tria Andrews Wahkpa in NYC )And, on Oct 29, Mayor Gonzales declares RIMA MILLER DAY, on the day of her birth. Here is an image of us a few years back, at an event about creativity, directed by designer Randolph Duke, as photographed by Jennifer Esperanza.Rima, you live forever as one of the worlds' greatest and most playful creatives ! I am thankful that are lives intersected and you continue to impact my life ! with love and gratitude ...