Giving Tuesday 2023

💃 Kicking Off GivingTuesday 🌎 with momentum!
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Reaching our 19th year to revise, reimagine, renew and transform.
🍂 Happy November! 🍁
Greetings from Dancing Earth! We trust you're basking in the afterglow integration of Dia De Los Muertos, Undas, Samhain, and Halloween Harvest celebrations. As we revel in our own harvest🌾, we’re delving deeper to fortify the seeds we've sown this past year for the upcoming seasons. This visioning period involves inner exploration within Dancing Earth’s Core Team to strengthen the alignment towards our goals of uplifting our mission.
With Giving Tuesday just around the corner (November 28th!), we're thrilled to offer a glimpse into the transformative work unfolding within our programming. We humbly invite you to join us in generously supporting our global dance community, centered in the vibrant landscapes of the Bay Area and New Mexico! 💃🌎
Please join us with a gift today,
kicking off Giving Tuesday with momentum!
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Photo left: Community workshop in Amazon rainforest lead by Rulan Tangen and captured by Rodrigo Valle. Special thanks to Lab Verde “Spectulative Ecologies” international artist residency.
Photo right: Summer Institute 2021 in New Mexico, captured by Gabriel Carrion-Gonzales.
The Summer Institute
As we reflect on the profound impact of the Summer Institute, we're reminded of Teneil Whiskey Jack's powerful words: "This has been by far one of the best programs I have been to. It wasn’t just about dance, it was the human experience and how we show up for ourselves in our process and for the day… It also promoted sustainability, honoring one another, active listening and the cultural exchange I found to be different.”

This multi-day experience brings a blend of dance, cultural exchange - fostering a global community. Now, we need your help to ensure that this opportunity remains accessible to all. Every year, our goal is to offer scholarships to as many participants as we can to join us at a selected local community space for our Summer Institute!
Most participants in the past have opted for a full scholarship. Because of this we are asking for as much support as we can get to continue our “No One Turned Away” policy. We are diligently working on securing a local venue in New Mexico, strengthening our bonds with the community spaces that have been our homes for over a decade.
We have historically held our program at Ghost Ranch, Synergia Ranch, and Academy for Love and Learning. Simultaneously, we're excited to expand our horizons, embracing new collaborators who share our values of community resource sharing, reciprocity, and inclusivity while affordably hosting us. Please fill out the jotform linked here to share any suggestions you might have on host sites! Our space wish list is detailed in the link! 
Photo left: Eco Elegies Bulb, film by DeAndre Moore.  Photo right by: Randi Lynn Beach.
Dancers, left to right: Rulan Tangen, Ro Ronice, Tara Bucknor, Taraneh Sarrafzadeh, Emma Quan Dewey.
Support DE’s newly emergent Bay Area dance company,
Experience the transformative power of Eco Elegies, a multisensory performance ritual that invites audiences to actively reconnect with themselves, each other, and the world.
In the past year, Eco Elegies made its debut at Yelamu, Dance Mission Theatre, during the SOURCE Festival. It also reached diverse communities through outdoor performances and workshops at the Mosaic America Festival at Mexican Heritage Plaza and a senior living center in Daly City. Join us for an enchanting experience at the Thrive Village Indigenous Market on November 19th and witness the magic of the Bay Area come to life.
Support Eco Elegies and our talented Bay Area artists in their mission to expand and nurture this project within our diverse communities. Your contribution will play a vital role in funding initiatives like our upcoming Spring '24 Mexico Tour, as well as outreach efforts to schools, parks, and more. Through the profound medium of performance ritual, we seek to explore the full spectrum of human emotion - from the depths of elegiac grief and sorrow to the fervent desire for transformation, hope, and renewal within these intricate eco-systemic multiverses. Your support ensures that these crucial connections continue to thrive and evolve!
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Artwork left by Nikila Badua. Photo collage provided by The Source, Northern California.
The Source
A Community Festival
September marked the inaugural year for "The Source," as we embarked on a transformative journey, uniting over 40 artists from various California locations in a celebration of community, self-love, self-care, and the healing power of the arts. Through collective efforts, "The Source" has successfully nurtured communities with art, laughter, love, and locally sourced sustenance, creating an environment of healing, belonging, and mentorship.
This Giving Tuesday, we invite you to join us in amplifying this impact. Your support will enable us to continue fostering creativity, connection, and empowerment within these communities, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of those we serve. 
Artwork left by Nikila Badua. Photo collage provided by The Source, Southern California.
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Dancers, left to right: Sarah Hogland-Gurulé, Lupita Salazar, Gabriel Carrion-Gonzales.
On Giving Tuesday, support the UNBOUND project led by Sarah Hogland-Gurulé and her team, as they unearth New Mexico's hidden history of colonization, slavery, and forced assimilation. UNBOUND aims to turn this painful history into a narrative of healing and empowerment for local communities. Their goal is to elevate the history of Genízaros, making it a central part of American and New Mexican history. Through performance rituals and community circles, UNBOUND provides healing for descendants of this lineage
The community events are especially important to the life of the project as “This is a community powered project that is also about getting to know communities across NM who are descended from this lineage and experiencing empowerment through our shared history and healing.” - Sarah, UNBOUND Artistic Director
These gatherings provide a safe communal space for descendants to gather, connect with stories and through local foods prepared with love by the Unbound team. They've raised $100,000 and need $20,000 more to fully fund the project, including essential community events. Join them in this crucial journey of uncovering and healing our shared past!
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photo by: Randi Lynn Beach.
Dancers, left to right: Sarah Hogland-Gurulé, Lupita Salazar, Gabriel Carrion-Gonzales.
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At this very moment Palestinian people are experiencing incomprehensible violence. We hold space for the Jewish community whose own histories are being used as an excuse for this genocide and occupation. Dancing Earth stands against genocide everywhere. We urge all dancers, artists and supporters to lean into the power of solidarity to call for a ceasefire, refer to this one hour of action list of resources to educate, take action, and aid Palestine.
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