ECLIPSES bring new beginnings !
We move from summer into fall, with a bounty of activities !
( top 2 images by Leland Chapin, or Uqualla, and Karla Flores at Academy for Love of Learning. Trip of Rulan, Uqualla and Esme Olivia Vandraager by Karla Flores at Ghost Ranch, bottom image of Sandra Lamouche by Ahjo Sipowicz)We gathered and ingnited cultural creativity in July-August with Summer Institute 2017 with guest Cultural Artist Ambassadors from First Nations of Australia, Samoa, Hopi, Pueblo, Apache, Dine, Columbia, Canada, Oklahoma, California, sharing our creativity with the public with a free style jam at ZOHI Gallery in Santa Fe, and a special performance at Academy for Love of Learning Aug 13thAug 17th Rulan Tangen and Jock Soto perform “ My Soul Remainer” a contemporary ballet duet with violinist Laura Ortman , in Santa Fe
Sept 5-6 Rulan attends Western Arts Alliance conference, speaking on a panel about Indigenous art-making on morning of the 6th in SeattleSept 7-10 Rulan is guest artist/collaborator with Professor Christal Brown at Middlebury College in Vermont, with returns in November and JanuarySept 10 Rulan attends premiere of WOMAN WALKS AHEAD, in which she was in a feature role, at Toronto Film Festival !Sept 16-Oct 3 Dancing Earth in rehearsal for tour to Arizona , with cultural protocols with O’odham peoples, cultural exchanges, community engaged workshops, feasts, at 9 sites in Southwest of AZ and NM with performance at Mesa Art Center on Sept 30th !Oct 6-19 Dancing Earth tour to Guahan, as invited by the Guam Humanities Council...Oct 20-22 Dancing Earth at BIONEERS Conference in San Rafael, CAOct 23-27 Dancing Earth begins public workshops, cultural consult and creative exploration for Bay Area projects : Treaty-Making ( thank you CA Arts Council) , Groundworks ( thank you MAP Fund), incorporating “re-story-ing” creative process...Oct 27-29 Dancing Earth and associate partners are invited to attend Invoking The Pause retreat for Climate Change trailblazers, in Northern CaliforniaNov 7 Performance for A Blade Of Grass private gathering in New York City.Nov rehearsals in Bay AreaDec 1-2 “500 YRS OF RESISTANCE” concert to celebrate decade anniversary Cuicacalli our Bay Area associate training program ! At Brava Theater !!