A Message from URBAN x INDIGENOUS, "Decolonization must be anti-racist work."

Decolonization must be anti-racist work.

Thank you for helping us to realize UxI as a portal for embodied intercultural solidarity!

“Indigeneity — our expression of ourselves, the upholding of cultural values near and far, and the learning of new values — are not in response to a situation. They’re just our responsibility for an every day experience of being on this planet.”
 - Jack Gray

We went from cancelling a two-day festival at SOMArts Cultural Center to re-imagining UxI 2020 for these quarantine times to taking up our responsibility as cultural warriors and medicine keepers in the movement for Black Liberation. From the depths of our spirits, we thank you for moving with us through the unknown and being a part of this incredible journey to realize UxI's role in these necessary times of transformation. We raised $925 for COVID Relief in the Navajo Nation and $200 for Liyang Network!

We lift up all of the ancestors who carried us through this journey (from the inception-vision of UxI 2020 over a year and a half ago) and all of our presenters who are truly guides steering the compass of remembering, reclamation, and restoration in their respective communities. Their lifelong commitments to walk the path the ancestors have laid in such meaningful and regenerative ways continue to inspire us to continue the work ahead. We hope you were able to receive the medicine you need to fortify you on your respective journey ahead.

Big love and deepest of gratitude to all of our presenters: Rose Hammock, Kumu Kau`i Peralto, Rulan Tangen, SPULU, Snowflake Towers, Dakota Camacho, Le Moana, Javier Stell-Fresquez, Gabe Christian, Keisha Turner, Trey Vision, Jack Gray, Liyang Network, and We Are The Ones

Thank you Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center and California Arts Council for continuing to resource this humble space of exchange.

We look forward to resting, recharging, and returning to you all with plans on what is to come as UxI continues to grow into a fuller manifestation of ancestral magic and medicine for our community throughout the globe.

Sincere solidarity,
UxI 2020 Dream Team
Balt, Rayanne, Día, Fenua, Liz, and SAMMAY

PADAYON! It takes a village -

Please consider completing our post-festival survey to support the continuation of URBAN x INDIGENOUS. Your feedback is vital to sustaining and growing our small and mostly volunteer-run organization. We encourage our community to provide testimonials to highlight the importance of this work to potential donors and sponsors.


NM PBS Los Colores, Poet Laureate Hakim Bellamy interviews DANCING EARTH's Founding Artistic Director Rulan Tangen


Company Star of the Week, Raven Bright