Upcoming Summer Cultural Offerings

Upcoming Summer Cultural Offerings

Dear Friends,

We are so grateful for the donations that have come in for our Artist Relief GO FUND ME Campaign! As of today our total donations are: $7886. Thank you! 

We also want to acknowledge that we are deeply grateful for all of the non-monetary donations, including studio time from Park Hill Dance Academy for Afro Modern online, and ToasterLab with Howlround.tv innovation and green screens in creating our June 18th Indigenous Futurites offering. THANK YOU!

Dancing Earth’s ongoing creative, cultural, and communal response is one of kinship between all voices as we recognize the need for solidarity and reciprocity. With this in mind we want to send our attention to the Water Warriors of Standing Rock and the recent victory noted in this New York Times article.

We offer this video of our 2012 eco-production Walking on the Edge of Water, as a reminder of our need for balance and harmony within our relationship to the precious resource of WATER.

Check out these upcoming summer cultural offerings in our Seasonal Institute including:

Native Hoop Dance Masters Class Series

Thursdays in July
4-5pm PDT . 7-8pm EDT

Movement of Dancing Earth w/ Rulan Tangen

July 19 & August 23
10-11:30am PDT
1-2:30pm EDT

photo by Karla Flores at
Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, NM


Practicing Principles of Ancestral Knowledge

This series welcomes people with any interest in sustainability, developing skills in lifestyle sovereignty & learning traditional Indigenous teachings.

Class format will take place online in 1-2 hour sessions once/week in the month of August 2020. Class topics include Hopi Blue Corn Processing, Hopi Piki Bread making, Pueblo Bread making, Fire Making, Cordage Making. Classes are taught by Indigenous teachers & community allies who are Dancing Earth performers & cultural leaders.

Sending prayers to you and your beloveds for good health, well being, peace, and justice as we all continue to move and grow through these turbulent moments of unknowing and uncertainty.

Knowing that YOU are here with us on the journey grounds us in a resonance of connection!

Thank you for your ongoing support of Dancing Earth!

With a Dancing Spirit,

Rulan Tangen, Founding & Artistic Director

Dancing Earth Indigenous Creations


Company Star
of the Week

June 27 - July 10

Raven Ilm Bright

Raven is Native American from Gallup, New Mexico that grew up within the Hip-hop community. My roots come from the blood of my families but also from the heart and soul of the communities I am a part of… Check out Raven’s Portal!


Wave Tutorial with Justin Giehm


Colorado College Collaboration: I.F. : Dancing Earth in CyberSpace